CreateUser Method and Password and PID Properties Example

This example uses the CreateUser method and Password and PID properties to create a new User object; it then makes the new User object a member of different Group objects and lists its properties and groups.

Sub CreateUserX(ByRef strPassword As String)

   Dim wrkDefault As Workspace
   Dim usrNew As User
   Dim grpNew As Group
   Dim usrTemp As User
   Dim prpLoop As Property
   Dim grpLoop As Group

   Set wrkDefault = DBEngine.Workspaces(0)

   With wrkDefault

      ' Create and append new User.
      Set usrNew = .CreateUser("NewUser")
      usrNew.PID = "AAA123456789"
      usrNew.Password = strPassword
      .Users.Append usrNew

      ' Create and append new Group.
      Set grpNew = .CreateGroup("NewGroup", _
      .Groups.Append grpNew

      ' Make the user "NewUser" a member of the
      ' group "NewGroup" by creating and adding the
      ' appropriate User object to the group's Users
      ' collection.
      Set usrTemp = _
      .Groups("NewGroup").Users.Append usrTemp

      Debug.Print "Properties of " & usrNew.Name

      ' Enumerate the Properties collection of NewUser. The 
      ' PID property is not readable.
      For Each prpLoop In usrNew.Properties
         On Error Resume Next
         If prpLoop <> "" Then Debug.Print "  " & _
            prpLoop.Name & " = " & prpLoop
         On Error GoTo 0
      Next prpLoop

      Debug.Print "Groups collection of " & usrNew.Name

      ' Enumerate the Groups collection of NewUser.
      For Each grpLoop In usrNew.Groups
         Debug.Print "  " & _
      Next grpLoop

      ' Delete the new User and Group objects because this
      ' is a demonstration.
      .Users.Delete "NewUser"
      .Groups.Delete "NewGroup"

   End With

End Sub